The Rape - Episode 11

If you missed the episode 10 of this story, please read it here


<< Final Respect >>

The news of Rose death sent a chill to all her coursemates, friends
and well wishers.
She was just in her early twenties when she kicked the bucket, she was
supposed to be enjoying her youthful part of life but all was gone
now. The only thing that remained of Rose was her pictures and people
memory of her.

Many of her coursemates and well wishers trooped to Mr. Bassey's home
to console him and his family.
Many of who Mr. Bassey didn't know they even existed, they only just
showed up when Rose was dead and was nowhere to be found when she was
still at the hospital alive.

Mr. Bassey: Look at them visiting when Rose is dead, where were they
when she was still alive at the hospital?
Chika: That is life my dear. Humans can't really be understood so easily.
Mr. Bassey: Hmm, many people are only remembered only in their death.
I wonder why it is so.
Chika: Maybe people pays more attention to death than life itself.
Mr. Bassey: I beg they should save their tears for themselves. Rose
don't need their cries, it will be irritating to her wherever she is.
Chika: It seems in life things don't normally go the way one plans, to
think that we have lost an angel such as Rose leaves a deep hole in my
Mr. Bassey: Yes even me, but we have to face the present and future.
Chika: Hmm, it is well.
Akpan: Mum and Dad you two should stop regretting as if it was you two
who are responsible for her death, let's wait as justice is brought
upon those who are responsible for her death.
Agbo: Yes, we have accepted the present and will work toward the future.
Mr. Bassey: Thank you my sons, it is well.

Rebecca was the first to come to the house after the news of Rose
death reached the town. She was the only friend of Rose who had come
when she was still at the hospital except Frank who was already at the
hospital doing his research.

Rose parents really admired her, after Rose death she had cut off the
private relationship she had with Mr. Bassey. That was a sign of
respect to Rose, she said. She had been friends with Rose for so long,
Rose death made her feel as if a part of her was missing.

The family choosed to have a private burial for Rose, Mr. Bassey and
Chika wanted to mourn their daughter in private.
They didn't want visits from all sorts of people, Mr. Bassey had many
business friends who would have made an open burial a brilliant one
but the family choosed to mourn her privately.

Mr. Bassey knew many people would expect an open burial, but he had to
do it for some reasons. And it was indeed the right choice for him to

They asked Rebecca if the idea was good and she agreed to it, there
was no burial posters to be placed anywhere in the town. It would take
everyone as a suprise when they finds out that Rose had been buried
quietly with only few people being aware.

Mr. Ibrahim was shocked when he got the word that it was going to be a
private burial, he had been planning to cause a scence at burial.

Text messages were sent to few people Mr. Bassey choosed that would be
invited to the private burial.

The burial was held a month after Rose death, Rebecca and Frank were
the only two friends of Rose that were invited for the burial.

The family, friends and the well wishers invited paid their final
respect to Rose who they will never see forever again in their life.

Akpan, Agbo, Chika and Rebecca felt so emotional as they paid their
final respect to Rose.
They all did that remembering the moments they had spent with her when
she was still alive, her smile and sweet voice.

Akpan: Sister, please watch us from the other side.
Agbo: We will always be good boys, we promise to work hard to achieve
greater things in this life.
Rebecca: My dear friend, I never thought it would be this way. Life
got a lot of suprise for everyone but I never thought about this,
losing you so soon has left a hole deep in my heart. My dear friend
Rose, I guess this is goodbye.
Chika: My daughter, I have cried all this time because of the vacuum
created in my heart after your death. I believe you don't want me to
keep crying because you love me, thank you for all the moments we
spent together. I promise that I will live fighting for justice.

Everyone left after the brief private funeral to face the future.


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The Rape - Episode 11 The Rape - Episode 11 Reviewed by Unknown on 2/05/2017 07:43:00 pm Rating: 5

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