Clinton And The 7 Witches (Season 2, Episode 5)

If you missed the episode 4 of this season, please read it here


<< The Death Of The King >>

( At The Witches Palace )

The witches were all in deep meditation to know when their powers
would be fully awaken.
They mediated for a while, Witch Bola (the head witch) ordered them
all to rise and take their seats.

Witch Bola: Sisters it is almost time for our powers to be awakened.
Just a little longer.
Witch Ngozi: Very soon huh, since our powers will be back very soon
should we do away with the boy (Apha)?
Witch Bola: No, we can use him as our inside spy when we make him
conscious again.
Witch Sandra: Our spy? He is our enemy, how on earth will he agree to
be our spy? I believe he will rather die than be our spy.
Witch Bola: Hahaha, believe you say? I know that he will agree to be our spy.
Witch Ngozi: What makes you so sure that he will accept the offer?
Witch Bola: I will brainwash him and fill his head with lies that he
will see as the truth.
Witch Haruna: I know you are good at that.
Witch Kitana: I wish time could be fast forwarded so we can have our
powers right now, I'm so bored staying here without doing anything.
Witch Bola: Patience! Patience sister.
Witch Rose: Oh yea? So what will be his first mission as our spy.
Witch Bola: Hahaha, hahahaha. His first mission will be the
elimination of his two dearest friends.
Witch Catherine: Sounds nice. Why don't we leave the old fool Emeka
alone so he will be in pains as he will watch us take over the human
Witch Bola: No, we will take him down!
Witch Haruna: So tell me Catherine, do you still have feelings for the old fool?
Witch Catherine: No. I just love seeing people suffer slowly till they
die with the agony of seeing their worst nightmare when they are still
Witch Bola: I understand you Catherine but he must be killed. He is
our first target after we get back our full powers.
Witch Kitana: Yes, I will have the pleasure of giving him the finishing touch.
Witch Bola: Okay sisters, let's wait and see if another kingdom will
attack Alimadu.
Witch Ngozi: How will you know since we haven goten back our powers.
Witch Bola: The wind will tell me, and then we will decide how to use
the boy (Apha).

( At Abdulrasaq's Home )

The seven swordmen, Nnenna and Kanu had entered Abdulrasaq's living room.

The swordmen have had hurriedly finished the food brought for them.
Abdulrasaq and his wife Nnenna (Clinton's mother) ate elsewhere in the

When they both finished eating they started a discussion.

Abdulrasaq: My Queen do you think our son can win the battles ahead
and sail pass the roaring seas?
Nnenna: He is the son of the great Abdulrasaq after all and you know he will.
Abdulrasaq: I just hope that the kingdom recover soon. It will be a
disadvantage if the witches strikes first.
Nnenna: Those driven by hatred meet sad ends.
Abdulrasaq: The seven of them inside will make a great team.
Nnenna: Yes, they are all close friends after all.
Abdulrasaq: Let's go and meet them inside.
Nnenna: Yes.

(Back At The Kingdom)

Femi the strongest swordman in the kingdom and the General Commander
of the swordmen were walking back to were the king was being treated.

Femi: I hope the king gets better soon, he have to calm the people down.
G.C: The people are behaving just like wild animals.
Femi: Don't say so, you will do the same thing you are in their position.
G.C: Damn it, why are you supporting them?
Femi: I know how they feel, I was from the streets before but my
hardwork got....
G.C: I know!
Femi: And also as a ranked officer you will have bring yourself to the
people's level in other to understand them.
G.C: I will expect that from someone who was a low life before.
Femi: Hmm, I better keep my opinions to myself or intelligent people.
G.C: What?

They were almost about to confront each other when a ward of the king
rushed over panting.

Ward: The king... The king......
Femi: What happened to the king?
Ward: The Chief Medic wants to see the two of you.
Femi: Okay.

Femi and the G.C rushed down to were the king was.

The king was lying unconscious at the bed he was being treated.

Femi: What happened?
Chief Medic: He is dead.
G.C: What?
Femi: Damn it! Aah!
Chief Medic: Keep calm, all of you should stay calm so as not to cause
any commotion. Only the two of you and the ward know. We have to
inform the surving council members first.

The chief Medic said this as Femi and the G.C felt so down.

Femi: Okay, we got you.

Over at Abdulrasaq's house he stopped and looked at the sky when he
was going inside to meet the swordmen.

Abdulrasaq: Hmm.
Nnenna: Is anything wrong?
Abdulrasaq: Yes, but don't worry.


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Clinton And The 7 Witches (Season 2, Episode 5) Clinton And The 7 Witches (Season 2, Episode 5) Reviewed by Unknown on 3/07/2017 07:13:00 pm Rating: 5

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