POEM: A Wounded Heart

Lying on the ground
With my eyes up in the sky
Clouds moving with the wind
Rain will soon fall
Thinking about how life wounded my heart

Drenched in the rain it hid my tears
My face couldn't hide my fears
I knew life was in layers
Just like the rocks it gets tougher
And the weak suffers

Still outside on the ground
Remembering how I grew so fast
I remembered when I first fell in love
But it didn't last
I had a wounded heart

Friends healed the wound
They did what they could
But life was set to wound my heart
I was moving through the layers
From the softest to the toughest
I saw them as nothing but experience

As I grew older it became tougher
I saw the real world as people suffer
Children crying all day
Parents hustling with sad faces all day
The elite eating what they didn't work for
My heart ached

Oh what a world!
My heart was wounded again
People working all day for their daily bread
But things keeps getting worse
At last it will end in death.

I stood up from the ground
Wiped the tears from my face
I went in and said I have to make the world a better place even with
my wounded heart.

© COPYRIGHT!! This Poem Shouldn't Be Lifted Without My Permission.
POEM: A Wounded Heart POEM: A Wounded Heart Reviewed by Unknown on 12/19/2016 12:23:00 pm Rating: 5

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